Morton Swimmer

Morton Swimmer

Principle Threat Research @ Trend Micro GmbH

Dr. Morton Swimmer is a researcher in the Forward-Looking Threat Research (FTR) team in Trend Micro Research. His focus is on future threats, especially Web3, machine learning and quantum computing.

His experience in computer security stretches back past 35 years with the founding of the first European malware research lab (VTC) at the University of Hamburg, Germany in 1988 and he has been involved in most of the innovations in security, first at university, later IBM Research and now Trend Micro. Early activities included malware analysis and computer forensics for which he built an early Malware sandbox system in 1992. This led to the development of the Digital Immune System at IBM Research, a fully automated virus analysis and signature generation system. More recently, he has been researching machine learning techniques, probabilistic reasoning and CTI ontologies to automate detection, hunting and mitigation of threats.

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